get google reviews

How To Get More Reviews On Google

Reviews speak for themselves and your business. This is why they have become so important on Google.

In recent times, business ads and location are taking up a larger part of search pages. So when a web user makes a query, several businesses that offer services related to that query are shoved in their face. At that point, your business reviews are what improve visibility and encourage a potential client to make a purchase.

Statistics show that 40% of consumers for an opinion of a business by reading one to three reviews. Another 23% will visit the local address of the business after reading positive reviews.

The only problem here is that acquiring these reviews as a business owner on Google can be difficult. Read on to know how you can get them.

  1. Claim your listings
    First things first, claim all your listings on Google. Search for them using the proper tools and ensure you have control and a clear picture of what is going on with each listing.
  2. Learn to ask
    This is always easier said than done. We all know that asking customers for a review is no walk in the park. In fact, it can turn around to cause problems when the client you approached leaves a bad review. You can ask subtly by sending a professional message or leaving printouts on walls and tables in your physical shop.
  3. Show them how to do it
    Leaving a review on Google might not be so easy or direct for consumers. Hence, it is essential to educate them on how it is done. Give a clear explanation in your message or printouts. You can also create a page or video to show customers how it works.
  4. Simplify it
    If your clients think leaving a review will take them more than a few seconds, they will be less likely to go through with it. In your explanations, simplify the process as much as you can and strategize a way to make leaving reviews easier for clients.
  5. Respond to reviews
    26% of customers say it is important for businesses to respond to their reviews. The consistent response to both negative and positive reviews encourages other customers to leave their feedback. They become assured that someone will read it. Your response should be prompt, creative, and professional.
  6. Include it in your email campaign
    Many businesses send emails to their customers. Such messages can also be useful for getting Google reviews. Include a call to action (CTA) that directs readers to leave a review if they haven’t.

    You can equally create a specific Google review email campaign. Include links to the review page to make it easier and convenient.

  7. Follow Google review guidelines
    As much as you want those reviews to keep coming in, you should remember to obey the rules. Google review guidelines say business owners should not offer rewards for reviewing. It also says you should ask all clients equally, despite the worry that they may leave negative feedback.

If you need assistance in getting reviews on Google, feel free to reach out to KSH Marketing. We help our clients get actual customer reviews on many platforms. We succeed when our clients succeed!