how to rank on google

How to Get Your Small Business Seen on Google

Small business or not, you need a solid means of promoting your business and generating leads if you must succeed in your venture. It’s no secret that things have changed drastically for businesses when it comes to marketing and the good ole traditional methods just don’t cut it anymore.

Why is visibility on Google important?

Well, why not! Everyone, including you, depends on Google to tell them if they are in love, what gifts to buy for friends, and, most importantly where to shop. Having visibility on Google helps you to change your game the way most big and successful businesses have done and makes your customers come to you.

How can it be done?

Now, you are asking the right questions. Visibility on Google can be achieved by fixing the following key areas of your business:

  • Website Design
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Marketing

Website Design

Your website on Google is your virtual office. It is where your potential clients make the first contact and where they will decide if you are worth their time, trust, and money.

Start by creating a user-friendly website; make navigation easy for your services to be right out there. Next, fill that website with ‘valuable’ content. The emphasis here is on valuable because if it’s all fluff, no one would read more than a few lines and there will be no conversion for sales.

Make sure your content sells your business without sounding pushy or filled with keywords. Give something back with a blog and remember to make your website mobile friendly.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

As a business owner, you soon discover that setting up a website is the easy part; SEO, on the other hand, can be tricky because it evolves constantly.

It is what helps your website show up in web users’ queries. SEO is a broad aspect that involves a technical side; using appropriate keywords, tags, alt text, links, and much more is necessary to rank on Google search.

Reviews are also a big part of SEO and ranking highly on Google.

It may take time to build SEO for your site and experience results, but this is best done by a professional.

Social Media Marketing

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are filled with millions of potential clients just waiting to see what you have to offer. You must leverage social media channels to improve your customer base online.

Most of these platforms offer paid advertising services, Google does too, and with proper planning, you can establish a solid online presence using social media.

Share business updates, helpful content, or regular promotion to get more people to know about your business. All links will take them to your website. This tells the search engine you have something good going on and prompts the system to rank your website for others to see.

Although the points explained above are the most vital, there are other factors to put in place for your business to get seen on Google. For faster results, hire professionals to help you.

Posted in SEO